Anthony Zhang


To the right is a variety of thumbnails of small bits and pieces of my work. Feel free to click around. To return back to the main gallery after viewing an image, simply click the picture again.

Thanks for dropping by and enjoy.

traditional      photography      digital
  • <em>American Life</em><br>May 2008<br><br>The assignment was to design a poster made of only text about the radio show 'American Life'. I decided to approach the project by taking one episode and writing down every phrase and word and sentence that I thought was interesting or strongly emphasized. After jotting down these words, I placed them altogether building off each other. The episode was called 'How to Talk to Kids'. All of the white text were phrases and words that dealt with the episode and the surrounding faded text are words and phrases that I simply found interesting or shocking.<br><br><br><br>Click <a href='' target='_blank'>here</a> to go directly to the image (best quality).
  • <em>Gestalt Principles - Squares (Process Work)</em><br>Feb 2008<br><br>Our assignment was to study the Gestalt Principles using simple shapes. We were to make five 6"x 6" boxes with an increasingly larger number of shapes in each. My teacher was very unspecific and the purpose of the entire project was to make the shapes 'aesthetically pleasing' (whatever that means). Anyhow, I did what I thought was aesthetically pleasing and I attempted to have a theme in each row of five. By the way, I really kind of gave up on the last row (2am did not suit me well and I was running low on ideas). <br><br><br><br>Click <a href='' target='_blank'>here</a> to go directly to the image (best quality).
  • <em>Gestalt Principles - Circles (Process Work)</em><br>Feb 2008<br><br>Our assignment was to study the Gestalt Principles using simple shapes. We were to make five 6"x 6" boxes with an increasingly larger number of shapes in each. My teacher was very unspecific and the purpose of the entire project was to make the shapes 'aesthetically pleasing' (whatever that means). I felt a lot better about this project with circles than I did with the squares. Probably just because circles have a sort of innate beauty to them. I really played with negative space here a lot more than I had done with the squares. <br><br><br><br>Click <a href='' target='_blank'>here</a> to go directly to the image (best quality).
  • <em>How to Make a PB&J Sandwich (Process Work)</em><br>April 2008<br><br>This was our introductory assignment in using Adobe inDesign. Although looking back on it, I think a more complicated project would've helped more. Either way, I created all of these pictures of the bread and jars, etc on Adobe Illustrator from scratch. I tried to make the pictures as realistic as I could get them without sacrificing simplicity. For the actual booklet, I tried to make the instructions and the layout as simple as possible. <br><br><br><br>Click <a href='' target='_blank'>here</a> to go directly to the image (best quality).<br><br>To see the full booklet with text please look at the pdf <a href='' target='_blank'>here</a>.
  • <em>Serene</em><br>July 2006<br><br>During summer where I had set up dual monitors, I was really dissatisfied with the lack of good dual backgrounds so I mad this background - from scratch on Adobe Photoshop. <br><br><br><br>Click <a href='' target='_blank'>here</a> to go directly to the image (best quality).
  • <em>PaddlingStuff</em><br>Summer 2008<br><br>Created this website completely independently for a part time job during the summer of 2008. I used NetworkSolution's eCommerce to help with the back end of the site.  The website was very successful, having sold over a thousand dollars of merchandise in under the first two months.  Much of the design for the website was done using Adobe Photoshop.<br><br><br><br>Click <a href='' target='_blank'>here</a> to go directly to the site.
  • <em>Rachel Inman Design</em><br>Nov 2008<br><br>Created this website for a friend's portfolio. The website was created completely independently. However, as of the Jan 2009, the website is still incomplete.  It will hopefully be finished within the following weeks. <br><br><br><br>Click <a href='' target='_blank'>here</a> to go directly to the site.

Copyright Anthony Zhang 2008