So, the entire summer has passed without me updating this - so, I figure I should. I've made one 25" x 19" drawing over the summer but I never got around to scanning it.
Over the summer, I also worked part time creating this
website. Please check it out. Sophomore year has been going pretty well. My only complaint has got to be how frustratingly quiet it is in an appartment. I almost miss the dorm life. Classes are pretty light this semester as well. I've also decided to get involved with CMU's music magazine
The Cut so we'll see how that goes.
Until next time then.
05.21.2008 - 2:26pm
Officially done with the website. It has consumed the majority of my free time (which has been a lot of time) these last few days and now I can finally enjoy obsessing over other things.
Please view the page in
Mozilla Firefox, Safari might be fine, but I'm pretty sure Internet Explorer is a bit screwy. Let me know if I made any typos, if links don't work or if I mislabeled any of my drawings - for those of you who have seen them before.
Thanks and enjoy,
05.21.2008 - 1:32am
Finished everything except for the about me section. I don't really know what to do with this home page though.
05.18.2008 - 10:16pm
Started construction on the website. I finished customizing the gallery script to look how I want it to.